TIENKAMP DECATHLON DAY 2 - 05/08 LYON2015 - 5560 points

Rhone stadium Parilly park
Group C

Tuesday day 1 - 04/08 - 3032 points - 16th place
12:10 100m - 12"17
13:00 long jump - 5m10
15:00 shot put - 8m38
17:00 high jump - 1m44
19:00 400m - 57"13

Wednesday day 2 - 05/08 - 2528 points - 11th place
12:40 110H - 18"62 - 620 pnt
13:10 discus - 25m38
17:45 pole vault - 3m10    2.5 hours delay
20:30 javelin - 39m58       2.5 hours delay
21:55 1500m om 9u30      3.0 hours delay and complete blackness (electricity failure) apart from two LED screens 6'01"07

According to a collegue athlete who did his 72th decathlon... extremely heavy competition.
The organisation: A bravo to the good meaning jury and volunteers, BUT: The every day delays, the chaos (teamleaders, stricktness, language problems, ...), little or no results available, different conditions for the participants in the same competition, the temperature and little protection from it, and the terrible sanitary conditions. This shall go really bad within the next couple of days if no strong measures are taken... shame!

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